man in white shirt with hands covering face in black and white

new from Sydney: CROONS THEATRE

We're super stoked to be presenting new Sydney brand Croons Theatre. 

With Thomas 'Lobster' Robinsons photography obviously leading the visual representation of the brands socials presence, you can tell it's going to be something. U.P.S. team guy Gary Almeida (the most well known skater on the brand) has last part in the promo clip they just released. We know how good Gary is but this part has moved the bar for you Gaz!
According to Slam Magazine Ben Hennessy is on the U.P.S. team, I think we're going to try and make it official next time we see him. He has first part in the clip with some of the gnarliest / creative style tricks seen in Sydney. Wallie man. Come and see us Ben. 
The video has an all star cast of the new Australian rippers with a couple O.G's  thrown in there for good measure. It's a really great video and the brand is gonna do big things, we're stoked!

Shop the brand here!

croons theatre. from Orion Stefanidis on Vimeo.

skateboard deck with toy babies in pink outfits

red coloured skateboard deck with abstract art graphic

skateboard deck with art in the middle


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