Our guy Adam Davies just released his masterpiece of a part for The 4 Skate Co AND went pro for them! We couldn't be more proud of our mate and team guy.
You could call him the Aussie Daewon Song but I don't think Daewon has ever kicky backtail - kicky out on a handrail. Is it an NBD!?
He does it so well too, flip in - sliiiiide - flip out. Everyone is talking about the last trick but it's one of those parts that you need to watch at least twice to grasp the shit that Davies is doing. Couple stand outs for me:
- The skinny take off and landing backside flip
- Front blunt 270 flip - pop out
- Nollie backside - fakie manny - cab out
- Nollie frontside - fakie manny - then 'popped' down a drop into switch manny
It's a great part and Adam deserves the pro badge 100%, we love you Davies!!
Check out his new boards right HERE!
And watch his part just below!